

Quality Assurance Unit

UNYT has established the Quality Assurance Unit (hereafter QAU) since 2012 as well as the Permanent Commission for the Assurance of Quality Standards (PCAQS), which have a common goal of increasing the quality at UNYT. QAU operates based on the Higher Education Law, the Quality Code of Higher Education, the Statute of the Institution, specific Regulations as well as the Quality Assurance Manual. At UNYT, we pride ourselves on delivering excellence in education, and the UNYT Internal Quality Assurance Unit plays a pivotal role in ensuring the highest standards across all facets of our academic programs and services. Through rigorous assessment and feedback mechanisms, we strive to enhance the quality of teaching, learning, and research experiences for our students and faculty members alike.

Join us on our journey of academic excellence and discovery at the University of New York Tirana, where quality assurance is not just a process but a promise.

Members of the QAU

  • Assoc. Prof. Enkeleda Olldashi - External Expert
  • Merita Dinaj, MSc. - Head of Quality Assurance Unit
    Photo of Merita Dinaj
  • Ermelinda Alia, MSc. - Quality Assurance Coordinator
    Photo of Ermelinda Alia

Official Documents of QAU

UNYT Statute EN – Approved by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth

UNYT Statute AL – Approved by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth

UNYT Rules & Regulations

Mission & Objectives

Strategic Plan

UNYT Code of Ethics

Quality Assurance Manual

Quality Assurance Unit Regulation


National Student Survey 2025

On March 18th, 2025, a group of students from the University of New York in Tirana (UNYT), along with the Quality Assurance Coordinator, participated in a significant presentation on the National Student Survey 2025.

This event was organized by the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education in Albania (ASCAL). The presentation featured esteemed guests, including the Minister of Education, Mrs. Ogerta Manastirliu; Director of ASCAL, Dr. Xhiliola Bixheku; and Chair of the Rectors, Prof. Dr. Artan Hoxha. These distinguished speakers shared valuable insights with students about the importance of the National Student Survey and its role in evaluating the higher education system in Albania. The discussions emphasized the significance of student feedback and how it can influence the development of future educational policies. Through their participation, UNYT students had the opportunity to engage directly with experts and policymakers, contributing to the ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of education in Albania.

Contact email
[email protected]

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