
Permanent Commission for the Assurance of Quality Standards of the Institution

The Permanent Commission for Quality Standards Assurance is a collegial body, established at the institutional level, by the decision of the Academic Senate.

The Permanent Commission for Assurance of Quality Standards consists of no less than 5 (five) members and no more than 7 (seven) members. One of the members of the PCAQS is a student representative.

The members of the Commission are self-nominated and elected by the Academic Senate. They have a two-year mandate, with the right to re-election. The commission elects the chairman from among its members.

  • Prof. Dr. Fatos Tarifa, Head of QA Commission
  • Prof. Dr. Nertila Gjini, representative of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
  • Ardit Gjeci, Ph.D. representative of the Faculty of Economy and Business
  • Miralda Cuka, Ph.D., representative of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
  • Klodjana Skendaj, Ph.D. Cand., representative of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
  • Andrea Mazelliu, Ph.D. Cand., representative of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
  • Irvena Bejkosala, student representative
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