
Prof. Dr. Nertila GJINI

Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs and Board Member


Postdoc: Fractal Tiling, Niigata University and Osaka City University, Japan (2001-2003)

Ph.D.: Fractals and Ergodic Theory, Osaka City University, Japan (1999)

MSc. : Mathematics (honor’s program), University of Tirana, Albania (1988)


 Research: Topology, Functional Analysis, Ergodic Theory, Computational Mathematics 

Teaching: Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics


Academic Experience

University of New York Tirana (AL), Department of Information and Intelligent Systems, Professor (2003 – Current)

University of Niigata (JP), Department of Mathematics, Visiting Professor (2001 – 2002)

Osaka City University (JP), Graduate School of Sciences, Visiting Professor (2002)

University of Tirana (AL), Faculty of Natural Sciences, Lecturer (1999 – 2000)

University of Tirana (AL), Faculty of Natural Sciences, Assistant Lecturer (1988 – 1995)

 Administrative Experience

University of New York Tirana, Acting Rector (2021- 2022)

University of New York Tirana, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (2015 – Current)

University of New York Tirana, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Informatics (2017 – 2018)

University of New York Tirana, Chair of the Permanent Committee for Awarding the Doctor Degree (2019 – Current)

University of New York Tirana, Chair of the Council of Professors (2014 – 2017)

University of New York Tirana, Director of the Institute of Advanced Research (2012 – 2014)

University of New York Tirana, Head of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department (2011 – 2012)

University of New York Tirana, Coordinator of the Department of Economics, Business and Administrative Sciences (2008 – 2011)


 Refereed Journal Articles

Subashi, L. & Gjini, N. (2017). Fractals in extended b-metric space. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 12(5), 2057-2065.

Subashi, L. & Gjini, N. (2017). Some results on extended b-metric spaces and Pompeiu-Hausdorff space. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 12(4), 2021-2029.

Gjini, N. (2012). Disconnectedness of dual tilings generated by Pisot units of degree 4. Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences, 18(1), 3-16.

Gjini, N. (2012). Pisot dual tilings of low degree and their disconnectedness. Albanian Journal of Mathematics, 6(1), 21-32.

Gjini, N. (2007). Connectedness of number theoretical tilings (dual tilings generated by Pisot units of degree 3 and 4). PAMM, 7(1), 2020137-2020138.

Gjini, N., Kamae, T., Bo, T. & Yu-Mei, X. (2006). Maximal Pattern Complexity for Toeplitz words. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 26(4), 1073-1086.

Akiyama, S. & Gjini, N. (2005). Connectedness of number theoretical tilings. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 7, 269-312.

Akiyama, S. & Gjini, N. (2004). On the connectedness of self-affine attractors. Archiv der Mathematik, 82, 153-163.

Akiyama, S. & Gjini, N. (2003). 四次 Pisot タイルの連結性による分類. 数理解析研究所講究録, 1319, 148-153.

Gjini, N. (2002). Beta-expansion of 1 for Quartic Pisot units. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica47(1-2), 73-87.

Gjini, N. (2001). A Self-Similar Tiling Generated by the Pisot Number which is the root of the equation x3-x2-1=0. Osaka Journal of Mathematics38, 303-319.

 Gjini, N., & Kamae, T. (1999). Coboundary on Colored Tiling Space as Rauzy Fractal. Indagationes Mathematicae10(3), 407-421.

Refereed Conference Presentations and Proceedings

Gjini, N. (2012, August). Dual tilings and their Connectedness (Disconnectedness). Paper presented at the International Conference “7th Annual Meeting of Institute ALB-SHKENCA”, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Gjini, N. (2012, May). Dual tilings and their connectedness. Paper presented at the International Conference “Michigan Computational Algebraic Geometry”, Michigan, USA (paper publication).

Akiyama, S. & Gjini, N. (2008, September). Connectedness of number theoretical tilings (dual tilings generated by Pisot units of degree 3 and 4). Paper presented at the international conference Fractal Geometry and Stochastics IV, Greifswald, Germany (abstract publication).

Akiyama, S. & Gjini, N. (2007, July). Connectedness of Number theoretic tiling. Paper presented at the 6-th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Zurich, Switzerland (paper publication).

Gjini, N. & Yu-Mei, X. (2003, March). Maximal Pattern Complexity of Single Toeplitz Words. Paper presented at the international workshop Ergodic Theory and its Applications, Osaka.

Gjini, N. (2003, January). On Connectedness of Self-Affine Tiling. Paper presented at the international conference Aspects of Mathematics on Fractals, Kyoto.

Gjini, N. & Yu-Mei, X. (2002, December). Maximal Pattern Complexity as Topological Invariant. Paper presented at the workshop on Ergodic Theory and Related Topics, Tokyo, Japan.

Gjini, N. (2002, October).  A classification of the Quartic Pisot Tiles by their connectedness. Paper presented at the international conference Diophantine Problems and Analytic Number Theory, Kyoto, Japan.

Gjini, N. (2002, September). Connectedness of Dual Tilings Generated by Pisot Numbers of Degree 3 and 4. Paper presented at the international conference Number Theory and Ergodic Theory, Tokyo, Japan.

Gjini, N. (2002, September). Self-affine tilings attached to number systems. Paper presented at the international conference Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan.

Gjini, N., & Akiyama, S. (2002, August). On the connectedness of dual tilings generated by Pisot units. Paper presented at the international conference Fractal Geometry and its Applications, Satellite Conference of the International Conference of Mathematics (ICM), Nanjing, China.

Gjini, N., & Kamae, T. (2002, June). Connectedness of self-affine tilings attached to number systems. Paper presented at the international conference Quasi-Periodic Tiling and Related Topics, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan.

Gjini, N., & Kamae, T. (2002, February). On the connectedness of self-affine attractors. Paper presented at the international seminar Ergodic Theory and Applications, Osaka, Japan.

Gjini, N. (2001, December). On the Connectedness of self-affine tiles. Paper presented at the international workshop Number Theory and Ergodic Theory, Tokyo, Japan.

Gjini, N. (2001, October). Coboundary on Colored Tiling Space as Rauzy fractal. Paper presented at the conference Ergodic Theory and Fractals, Osaka, Japan.

Gjini, N. (2001, October). Colored Tilings and Rauzy fractals. Paper presented at the Conference on Quazi periodic Tiling and Related Topics, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan.

Lectures upon invitation

Connectedness of self-affine attractors. Invited lecturer from the Department of Mathematics, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, USA, June 2018.

Topological properties of tilings. Invited lecturer from the Department of Mathematics, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, USA, June 2016.

Fractal tilings related to radix representations. Invited Lecturer (Group of lectures) in the scientific seminar “Inverse Problems and Analysis”, from the Department of Mathematics, Delaware University, USA, May 15-18, 2012.

Connectedness of self-similar tilings generated by cubic and quartic Pisot units. Invited Lecturer (Group of lectures) in the scientific seminar “Scattering Theory Seminar”, from the Department of Mathematics, Delaware University, USA, May 2-11, 2011.

Book editing (in Albanian)

Shehu, V. (2016).  Analiza N-përmasore (Calculus in n-dimensional spaces).

Shehu, V. (2015). Analiza Matematike: Serite dhe funksionet e shume ndryshoreve (Calculus: series and functions of several variables).

Shehu, V. (2015). Topologji e Pergjithshme (General Topology).

Shehu, V. (2015). Analiza matematike: integralet jo të vetë dhe shumfishtë (Calculus: improper and multiple integrals).

Shehu, V. (2014). Hyrje ne Analizen komplekse (Introduction to Complex Analysis).

PhD Thesis Supervision

Baushaj, A. (2019). Fraktalet dhe vetite e tyre topologjike (Fractals and their topological properties).

Subashi, L. (2018). Tilet fraktale dhe vetitё e tyre topologjike (Fractal tilings and their topological properties).

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