
Assoc. Prof. Mirela BOGDANI



MPhil: European Politics and Society, University of Oxford, UK (2008)

MSc: European Policy Process, Cardiff University, UK (2003)

PhD: Public Health, University of Tirana & George Washington University, USA (2001)

Post-grad Diploma: Health Policy & Administration, University of London, UCL, UK (1997)

Post-grad Diploma: Management Methods for International Health, Boston University, USA (1995)

BA: Health Sciences, University of Tirana, Albania (1989)


Research: European Politics, EU-Albania Relations, Türkiye Accession to the EU

Teaching: Research Methods, European Integration, EU Politics, American Politics & Government, Post-Soviet Russia Politics, Geopolitics, Introduction to Politics, Transitiology


Academic Experience

UNYT (AL), Department of Politics and IR, Associate Professor (2019 – Current)

University of Tirana (AL), Institute of European Studies, Associate Professor (2011 – 2014)

University of Durres (AL), Department of Politics and Law, Guest Lecturer (2015-2017)

University of Tirana (AL), Department of Politics, Senior Lecturer (2009 – 2011)

Barleti University (AL), Department of Politics, Senior Lecturer (2009 – 2010)

European University of Tirana (AL), Guest Lecturer (2008)

Cardiff University (UK), School of European Studies, Lecturer (2004 – 2006)

Administrative Experience

UNYT (AL), Member of the Academic Senate (2019 – Current); Member of Editorial Board of “International Journal of Balkan Studies” (2021 – Present).

Barleti University (Albania), Head of the Department of Politics & Member of the Editorial Board of “Gjeopolitika” (2009 – 2010).

Professional Experience

Tirana Municipality Council, Elected Councillor, Chair of Foreign Relations’ Committee (2015 – 2019).

UK law firms, Expert on Albanian Politics (2008 – 2019)

British Foreign Office (UK), Consultant/Expert on Albanian Politics (2008 – 2009).

Cardiff University School of European Studies (UK), Research Associate (2004-2005).

National Assembly for Wales (UK), Researcher (2003 – 2004).

Albanian Ministry of Health, Senior Civil Servant (1999 – 2002).


Refereed Journal Articles

Bogdani, M. (2020). Covid and Totalitarism: Is pandemic being used to enforce authoritarian and state surveillance in hybrid democracies?”. Forthcoming: to be published at International Journal of Balkan Studies.

Bogdani, M. (2010). “Is transition in Albania over? The indicators of a consolidated democracy”. Gjeopolitika, Nr. 5.

Bogdani, M. & Loughlin, J. (2004). “Albania’s Rocky Road to the European Union”. European Voice, Brussels.

Books and Book Chapters

Bogdani, M. (2010). Turkey and the Dilemma of EU Accession: When Religion meets Politics. London: I.B.Tauris.

Bogdani, M. & Loughlin, J. (2007). Albania and the European Union: The Tumultuous Journey towards Integration and Accession” London – NY: I.B.Tauris.

Bogdani, M. & Loughlin, J. (2004). Albania and the European Union: European Integration and the Prospect of Accession. Tirane: Dajti 2000.

Bogdani, M. (2019). Contributing actors to the regime change in Albania: The first phase of transition and the role of the Albanian Student Movement, Shinasi Rama (Ed.) The end of communist rule in Albania: Political change and the role of the Student Movement. New York: Routledge. 

Refereed Conference Presentations

Bogdani, M. (2020, November). Covid and Totalitarism: Is pandemic being used to enforce authoritarian and state surveillance in hybrid democracies?. Paper presented at the International E-Conference The uncertainties and challenges in the Balkans: Case of COVID’19“. Tirane: NYT.

Bogdani, M. (2017, December). International community, as the most reliable and crucial actor in European integration and democratization processes in Albania, during the 20 years of transition. Paper presented at International Scientific Conference “The role of the Internationals in the transition of Albania”. Tirane: OSCE presence in Albania & UT.

Bogdani, M. (2015, December). Contributing actors to the regime change in Albania: The first stage of transition and the role of the Albanian Student Movement, held at the International Conference “25 years later: The Albanian student movement and political change in Albania”. Tirane: NUY.

Bogdani, M. (2013, December). Albania and the EU: history and perspective of a complicated journey, held at the conference “Albania towards the European constelation”. Tirane: Global Opportunities Albania & Hanns Seidel Foundation.

Bogdani, M. (2011, December). Impact of EU Conditionality in Albania in the framework of the Stabilisation and Association Process, held at Roundtable “Debating impact of EU Conditionality in the Western Balkans”. Tirane: IDM Centre & EU Info Centre.

Bogdani, M. (2011, June). The most difficult enlargement ever: Reasons for the reluctance of Europeans to let Turkey in. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference of Europeanists “The causes, consequences and making of transnationalisation”. Barcelona, Spain: Council of European Studies of Columbia University.

Bogdani, M. (2009, March). Albania’s application membership to the EU: Is the country ready?. Talk at the “Albania and the Balkans in 2009: Challenges and Opportunities”, London, UK: London School of Economics (LSE).

Bogdani, M. (2006, April). The Western Balkans’ journey towards the EU: The perspective for joining the club. Paper at the BASEES Annual Conference. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University, Fitzwilliam College.

Bogdani, M. (2006, May). Change of government in Albania: What prospects for EU Accession?. Paper at the Research Symposium on EU Integration, Institute for Advanced Studies. Bristol, UK: Bristol University.

Bogdani, M. (2005, March). Albania and the EU. Paper presented at the seminar series organised by the Nash Albanian Studies Programme & the Centre for South-East European Studies London, UK: University of London – UCL.

Bogdani, M. (2005, March). Europeanisation of Albania and its impact on the political party system. Paper presented at the seminar series “From the Baltic to the Balkans”. Bristol, UK: Bristol University, School of Policy Studies.

Bogdani, M. (2004, November). The Albanian Political Class: Obstacle to EU membership. Paper presented at seminar series Michaelmas Term 2004 at St Antony’s College. Oxford, UK: Oxford University.

Bogdani, M. (1999, November). Women’s issue in Albania. Presentation at Eliot School, “George Washington” University. Washington DC, USA.

Bogdani, M. (2000, March). The importance of the participation of women in politics in Albania. Presentation to the Inter-American Development Bank and USAID. Washington DC, USA.

Funded Research Projects

Bogdani, M. (2018-2021). Albanian society on the path of integration to European family, Erasmus +, Jean Monnet Module & UT.

Bogdani, M. (2019). Local Government project “Strong Municipalities”. Helvetas Swiss Cooperation. 


2021: “Civil Honour” awarded by HE President of Albania for the contribution to the progress of civil society and democracy in Albania.

2010: Beneficiary of the Brain Gain Incentive Package from the Government of Albania and UNDP (2010).

2006-2008: Awarded a grant by Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust to fund in part studies at Oxford University.

2002-2003: Awarded a scholarship by EUROS to fund in part studies at Cardiff University.

1999-2000: Awarded a scholarship by Georgetown University East Central European Scholarship Programme (ECESP Visiting Scholar) to perform studies at George Washington University.

1997: Awarded a research fellowship by Foreign & Commonwealth Office / Chevening Scholarship Programme to perform studies at UCL.

1995: Awarded a scholarship by USAID Scholarship Programme to perform studies at Boston University.

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