
Assoc. Prof. Juna MILUKA




Ph.D.: Economics, American University, USA (2009)

BBA  : Business Economics, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA (2004)


Research: Economic Development, Labor Economics, Migration, Poverty Assessment

Teaching:  Introduction to Microeconomics, Introduction to Macroeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Social and Economic Development, Industrial Economics, International Economics, Econometrics, Fundamentals of Economics


Academic Experience

University of New York Tirana (AL), Department of Economics and Finance, Associate Professor (2009-current)

University of Tor Vergata, Rome (IT), Department of Economics, Researcher (2007-2008)

American University (USA), Department of Economics, Co-instructor (2006-2007)

American University (USA), Department of Economics, Teaching Assistant (2004-2007)

Administrative Experience

University of New York Tirana, Dean of the Faculty of Economy and Business, (2014-current)

University of New York Tirana, Program Director of the Master of Science Program in Finance and Accounting, (2009 – current)

University of New York Tirana, Head of the Department of Economics and Finance (2011 – 2014)

Professional Experience

Economics Advisor to the Prime Minister (AL), 2009-2010

Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Albanian Institute of Statistics, 2013

The World Bank (USA), Consultant, 2005-2009


Refereed Journal Articles

Miluka, J. (2016). Returns to Education in the Albanian Labor Market. Journal of European Social Research1(2), 138-156.

Dabalen, A., Miluka, J. (2010). Who Is Bearing the Burden? Exploring the Role of Albanian International Migration on Education. Eastern European Economics48(6), 36-56.

Miluka, J., Carletto, G., Davis, B., & Zezza, A. (2010).  The Vanishing Farm? The Impact of International Migration on Albanian Family Farming. Journal of Development Studies, 46(1), 140-161.

Meurs, M., Miluka, J., & Hertz, T. (2009). Declining Secondary Enrollment in Albania: What Drives Household Decisions? Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies, 2003, 1-41.

Kilic, T., Carletto, G., Miluka, J., & Savastano, S. (2009). Rural Non-Farm Income and Its Impact on Agriculture: Evidence from Albania. Agricultural Economics, 40, 139-160.

Books and Book Chapters

Babovic, M. & J. Miluka. (2020). Gender Equality Index for the Republic of Albania 2020. Tirana: INSTAT.

Miluka, J. & K. Sevrani. (2014). Albanian Dwellings and Living Conditions. Tirana: INSTAT.

Miluka, J. (2013). Not Just Education: Gender Wage Gap in the Albanian Labor Markets through Occupational Segregation, Work Experience, and Child Care. In C. Ruggeri Laderchi & S. Savastano (Eds.), Poverty and exclusion in the Western Balkans — new directions in measurement and policy (pp.155-176). New York, NY: Springer.

Miluka, J. (2011). Gender Wage Gap in Albania: Sources and Recommendations. Tirana: Shtepia Botuese dhe Shtypshkronja Pegi.

Miluka, J. (2011). Education, Migration, and Labor Markets in Albania: A Gender Perspective. Ann Arbor, MI: Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing.

Refereed Conference Presentations

Miluka. J., & Tsushima, R. (2017). To Participate or Not to Participate?: Unfolding Women’s Labor Force Participation and Economic Empowerment in Albania. In A., Anamali, M., Muka & E. Myftaraj  (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference ASECU, Social and Economic Challenges in Europe 2016-2020 (pp. 371-382). Durres, Albania: Aleksander Moisiu University.

Miluka, J. & Sevrani, S. (2017, May). Albanian Dwellings and Living Conditions. Report presented at the Analysis of census data and its use: Conference on the 2011 Population and Housing Census of Albania, Albania: INSTAT & University of Geneva.

Miluka, J. (2010, December). Not Just Education: Gender Wage Gap in the Albanian Labor Markets through Occupational Segregation, Work Experience, and Child Care. Paper presented at the Western Balkans Poverty and Inclusion Conference, Brussels: The World Bank.

Miluka, J. (2010, March). Not Just Education: Gender Wage Gap in the Albanian Labor Markets through Occupational Segregation, Work Experience, and Child Care. Paper presented at the International Political Science Association Conference, Luxembourg: International Political Science Association & European Commission.

Miluka, J. (2008, June). Not Just Education: Gender Wage Gap in the Albanian Labor Markets through Occupational Segregation, Work Experience, and Child Care. Paper presented at the International Association of Feminist Economics, Torino: University of Torino.

Miluka, J. (2008, September). Who Is Bearing the Burden? Exploring the Role of Albanian International Migration on Education. Paper presented at the Conference Migration and Development in Albania and the Western Balkans: Remittances, Return and Diaspora, Durres: Center for Economic and Social Studies and Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex.

Miluka, J. (2008, June). The Vanishing Farm? The Impact of International Migration on Albanian Family Farming. Paper presented at the ABCDE Conference, Tirana: The World Bank.

Miluka, J. (2007, June). The Vanishing Farm? The Impact of International Migration on Albanian Family Farming. Paper presented at the International Association of Feminist Economics, Boston: IAFFE.

Kilic, T., Carletto, G., Miluka, J., & Savastano, S. (2007, October). Rural Non-Farm Income and Its Impact on Agriculture: Evidence from Albania. Paper presented at the Linkages between Farm and Non-Farm Income Generating Activities Workshop, Rome: FAO.

Miluka, J., Carletto, G., Davis, B., & Zezza, A.  (2007, January). The Vanishing Farm? The Impact of International Migration on Albanian Family Farming. Paper presented at the Migration, Transfers, and Household Economic Decision Making Workshop, Rome: FAO.

Miluka, J. (2006, February). The Vanishing Farm? The Impact of International Migration on Albanian Family Farming. Paper presented at the The Eastern Economic Association Conference, New York: EEA.

Peer Reviewer

2021: The Bank of Albania Paper Series

2020: World Development

2018: World Development

2014: Journal of Development Studies

2010: Food Policy Journal


2014: Best Professor Award for the academic year 2012-2013, University of New York, Tirana.

2012:  Recipient of the 2007 Marie Curie Research Training Network on “Transnationality of Migrants” Fellowship for Early Stage Researchers at the University of Tor Vergata, Rome.

2004:  American University College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Fellowship and Teaching Assistantship 2004-2008.

2004:  University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Alumni Award in Economics, as the graduating student with the highest academic distinction.

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