
Assoc. Prof. Ilir KALEMAJ

Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs


Associate Professor in International Relations: University of Tirana (2021)

Ph.D. in Political Science: Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (2013)

Lawyer’s License (2011)

Integrated Diploma of Second Level in Law (equivalent of MSc in Law): University of Tirana (2010)

MSc in International Relations/European Studies: Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (2007)

BA in Political Science/International Relations: University of New York Tirana (2006)


Research: Elections, Democratization, Transitional Justice, Nationalism & Ethnic Politics

Teaching: Comparative Politics, International Relations, Democracy, Security Studies, Diplomacy etc.


Academic Experience

Senior Lecturer in Political Science and International Relations, University of New York Tirana/ Empire State College (2008-present).

Consultant for several projects at the OSCE Presence in Tirana, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, etc. Also, a leading researcher in projects funded by Friedrich Ebert Siftung, Konrad Adenauer Siftung etc (2012-present)

Adjunct (part-time) Lecturer in Political Science and International Relations, University of Tirana (2014-2016)

Adjunct (part-time) Lecturer in Political Science and International Relations, University Marin Barleti, Tirana (2013-2015).

Administrative Experience

Vice Rector for Research & International Relations at University of New York Tirana (UNYT) June 2018- present

Chair, Department of Political Science and International Relations (UNYT) September 2016- present

Director of MSc in International Relations (UNYT) September 2015- present

Senate Member at University of New York Tiranë. September 2014- ongoing

Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Balkan Studies. Published by EU & Balkan Research Institute. University of New York Tirana Press (June 2020- present).

Editorial Board Member of the Journal for Historical Studies. Published by the Institute of History, Academy of Albanological Studies (January 2020- 2021).

Editoral Board member of the Tirana Observatory, a quarterly magazine published by the Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS), (January 2018- present).

Associate Editor of Global Outlook: Albanian Journal of Global Affairs and International Development (University of New York Tirana Press) June 2015- 2017.

February 2022- present: Member of the National Council for European Integration (NCIE), as representative of massmedia. This Council was established by Law no. 15/2015, dated 05/03/2015, “On the role of the Assembly in the European Integration Process of the Republic of Albania in the EU”, as the highest national advisory structure for European integration set up by the Albanian Parliament.

Board Member, Albanian Center for Good Governance (November 2014 -2021).

June 2013 - February 2015: Chairman, Board of PolitOn, a think tank that aims at strengthening Albania by shaping democracy, institutions, the rule of law and society`s involvement.

From 2005 - present: Columnist in Albanian daily press, especially in matters related to international relations, foreign and regional affairs, as well as European integration or domestic politics.

October 2011 - present: Host of weekly show “Independent Press” at national NTV.

October 2011 - present: President, National Freelancers Association of Albania.

June 2008 - present: Member, Professional Union of Journalists in Albania.

Professional Experience

Director, Albanian National Agency for Vocational Education, Training and Qualifications (2012-2014)

Accreditation Expert for ASCAL (Albanian State Agency for Accreditation).

External Program Licensing Expert- contracted by Ministry of Education & Sport of Albania for two programs in different Albanian Universities (May 2017- ongoing).


Refereed Journal Articles

Kalemaj, I. and Lleshi, S. 2024.  “Assessing Success Through Party Label Durability: A Comparative Study of the Democratic Party of Albania and the Homeland Union of Lithuania.” Journal of Liberty and International Affairs. Vol. 10, No.1, pp. 212-232. DOI: 10.47305/JLIA24101216k

Lleshi, S. & Kalemaj, I. Forthcoming 2024. “Party organisation, youth wings and political representation in post-communist Albania.” Europe-Asia Studies. Taylor & Francis. Accepted for publication.

Kalemaj, I. & Pandelejmoni, E. 2023. “Caught in the election trap: voter fraudulence and dysfunctional democracy in 2021 Albanian general elections.” Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review, Vol XXIII, No.2. DOI: https://doi.org/10.62229/sprps23-2/6

Kaba, H. & Kalemaj, I. 2022. “Kosovo in the Geopolitical Crossroads: Albania, Yugoslavia and the Great Powers 1945-1948.” Albanian Studies. Vol. 2. No. 2. Year V (X), pp. 94-129. Tirane: Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike.

Kalemaj, I & Kalemaj, E. 2022. “Political Instability, Economic and Financial Challenges in the Western Balkans in the Post-Pandemic World.” Eurasian Research Journal. Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 29-37. ISSN 2519-2442. https://doi.org/10.53277/2519-2442-2022.4-01

Kalemaj, I. 2022. “Open Balkans: Challenges and Opportunities Emanating from Tirana.” Tirana Observatory. Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 29-39.

Kalemaj, I. 2022. "Territorial Reform and Lack of Real Decentralization in Albania." Jus & Justicia, Vol. 15: Overview of the Decentralization Process in Albania: Comparative approached in Western Balkans. UET press. 

Kalemaj, I. 2022. “How internationals have impacted Albania’s economic transition.” Tirana Observatory. AIIS. Vol.3, No.3.

Savić-Bojanić, M. & Kalemaj, I. (2021). Art and Memory as Reconciliation Tool? Re-Thinking Reconciliation Strategies in the Western Balkans. Southeastern Europe (45). 273–290. Taylor & Francis.

Kalemaj, I. (2021). Transitional Justice and Democratic Consolidation in post-communist Eastern Europe: Romania and Albania. Eastern Journal of European Studies, Vol. 12 (1), pp. 81-102.

Kalemaj, I. (2021). Parliamentary Election in Albania, 25 April 2021- special analyses, it's published today by BLUE- Electoral Bulletin of the European Union, a journal published by Groupe d’etude geopolitiques, Ecole normale superieure. https://geopolitique.eu/en/articles/parliamentary-election-in-albania-25-april-2021/ 

  1. Meka & I. Kalemaj. (2020). “Critics of Democracy: The Impact of Communist Legacy on Support for Democracy and Voting Behavior in Albania”. Problems of Post-Communism. Vol. 69, Issue 6, pp. 486-497. Taylor & Francis.

Denard Veshi, Ervin Pupe, Carlo Venditti, Ilir Kalemaj, Enkelejda Koka, Michele Biring-Pani, Hektor Ruci. (2020). End-of-Life Decisions in Albania: The Call for an Ethical Revision. Liverpool Law Review. Vol. 41 (3), pp. 315-330. Netherlands: Springer.

Kalemaj, I. (2020). Albania & Kosovo: Present and Future. AIIS Observatory. January 20. https://tiranaobservatory.com/2020/01/20/albania-and-kosovo-present-and-future/

Kalemaj, I. (2019). Greek elections & Macedonian politics’ impact on Prespa Agreement. AIIS Observatory. August 10. https://tiranaobservatory.com/2019/08/10/greek-elections-macedonian-politics-impact-on-prespa-agreement/

Kalemaj, I. (2016). “Albania between Western Balkans regionalization and European Integration”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. ISSN 2039 (online) 2039-9340 (print).

Kalemaj, I. (2016). Albania’s democracy challenges: External stimuli and internal factors at play”, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 5, No. 3, Sept. 30.

Kalemaj, I. (2016). Vala e Dytë e Revolucioneve Post-Komuniste: Ç`mësojmë nga Përvoja e Tyre?” Global Outlook: Albanian Journal of International and Political Studies. Vol 1, No.1-2. University of New York Tirana Press.

Kalemaj, I. (2016). Përfytyrimi i Kombit dhe kufijve të tij në poezinë e Rilindjes dhe më tej”, Pasqyra e t`Rrëfyemit. Botim i Qendrës Shqiptare të Studimeve Letrare “Pjetër Budi”, Viti I, Nr. 2, shtator-dhjetor.

Kalemaj, I. (2015). “Oscillating between Inclusionary Autonomy and Secessionist Independence: Identification Shifts and the Dynamics of Albanian Perceptions of the Young Turks Movement.” In Dimitrios Stamatoupoulos ed. Balkan worlds: Ottoman past and Balkan nationalisms. Utah University Press. Co-authored with Konstantinos Giakoumis.

Kalemaj, I. (2015). Sustainable Development Models and Reform Cycle in Eastern Europe. European Journal of Economic Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 1. Grias Publishing Project.

Kalemaj, I. (2015). Nation and State-Building in the Albanian Case in the Begginning of 21st Century. Diskutime. IV, No.15. Albanian Centre for International and Balkan Studies.

Kalemaj, I. (2014). Changes in Territorial Configuration and Border Shifts in Collective Imagination in the Albanian Case from Proclamation of Independence Until Beginning of WWI. Journal of Historical Review. Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike: Instituti i Historise, Tirane.

Kalemaj, I. (2013). The Typologies of International Recognition (Kosovo as a sui generis case). [Tipologjitë e njohjes ndërkombëtare (Kosova si një rast sui generis)]. Studime Juridike, publication of Faculty of Law, Tirana University (peer reviewed). ISSN: 2220-3990

Kalemaj, I. (2011). Sa larg është Shqipëria në Përmbushjen e Parametrave Mjedisorë të Specifikuar nga Acquis Mjedisore dhe Konventat Ndërkombëtare në Fushën e Mjedisit? [How far is Albania from fulfillment of environmental acqui and international conventions and treaties in environmental protection?] Security Issues Journal, nr.16.

Kalemaj, I. (2010). “Kosovo as a litmus test of ‘normative power’ Europe or embedded in old- style cost calculations politics?” The Western Balkan Policy Review. Kosovo Public Policy Center. Vol. 1, Issue 1.

Kalemaj, I. (2009). Metamorfoza Ontologjike e Memories Historike dhe Roli i saj ne Sendertimin e Identitetit Kombetar Serb ne vitet 1986-1991. [The ontological metamorphosis of the historical memory in the construction of the Serbian national identity in the years 1986-1991]. Studime Historike, [Historical Studies journal], Tirana, Albania. no. 1-2.

Kalemaj, I. (2009). Authoritarism in the Making? The Role of Political Culture and Institutions in the Albanian Context CEU Political Science Journal (Peer Reviewed). Joint authored with Dorian Jano. Vol. 4 (2), April 2009.

Kalemaj, I. & Deltina, D. (2010). “Challenges that Albania Faces in Meeting EU Conditionality: The Political, Economic and Legal criteria.” Journal of Studies in Economics and Society (Peer Reviewed). June 11-13.

Kalemaj, I. (2009). “Discussions on the Albanian Law of Lustration: A Necessary, Redundant or Long Due Law? Co-authored with Dorian Jano. Eurozine: Res Publika Nowa 6/2009.

Kalemaj, I. (2009). “Depoliticization of Public Sphere: The Case of Albania.” Aktet. Published at the Conference Proceedings of Annual meeting of Albanian Association of Scholars of Institute Alb-Shkenca. Tirane 2009. Conference Proceedings published January 2010.

Kalemaj, I. (2008). Recollection of Past Memories in Croatia: How Processes of Rememoration can build a New Identity.” POLITIKON journal, Vol. 14, No. 2. Pp. 94-110.

Kalemaj, I. (2010). “EU Discourse in Electorate Politics: The perceived threat of Albanian Organized Crime and the Europeanization of Albanian elite,” Security Issues Journal, nr.14. December 2009.

Kalemaj, I. (2008). “EU Policies and Strategy towards Western Balkans: Where is it Heading?” Analytica electronic journal, Skopje, Macedonia. No.1, vol.1, pp. 45-51.

Kalemaj, I. (2008). “Irredentism Restated: The Influence of Societal Actors and Foreign Intervention in the Case of Serbian Irredentism” [The title in original: Rishikimi i Irredentizmit: Ndikimi i faktoreve shoqerore dhe nderhyrja e jashtme ne rastin e irredentizmit serb] Published at the Albanian political science journal Polis, number 5, Spring, 2008. Download from:

Kalemaj, I. (2008). The Reform Cycle and the Contemporary Models” [The title in original: Cikli i reformave sipas modeleve bashkekohore]. Albanica journal, Pristina, Kosova.

Kalemaj, I. (2007). EU Policy in Regard to the Albanian Organized Crime Threat: A Real or Invented Concern?” [The title in original: Politikat e Bashkimit Evropian Ndaj Kercenimit te Krimit te Organizuar Shqiptar: Nje Shqetesim Real apo i Hiperbolizuar]. Polis, number 4, Autumn, 2007.

Monographs, Books & Booklets

Kalemaj, I. (2024). Historik i Parlamentarizmit shqiptar 1912-2023 dhe Kuvendi i Shqipërisë Sot [History of Albanian Parliamentarism 1912-2023 and Albanian National Legislature Today]. Tiranë: Parlamenti i Shqipërisë.

Kalemaj, I. & Lindita Latifi et. al (2023). 100 Years of Diplomatic Relations. UNYT Press.

Kalemaj, I. (2022). Public Perception of the EU in Albania. Published by the Albanian Media Institute.

Kalemaj, I. (2021). Lustration in Albania: Past and Future. Published by the Presence of OSCE in Albania.

Kalemaj, I. (2021). Youth Accessibility and Inclusion: Youth Movement for Integration of Albania (co-authored with Sokol Lleshi). Westminster Foundation for Democracy.

Kalemaj, I. (2020). Socialist Party: 10 years from now (co-authored with Sokol Lleshi). Westminster Foundation for Democracy.

Kalemaj, I. (2020). Youth Accessibility and Inclusion: Euro-Socialist Youth Forum of Albania (co-authored with Sokol Lleshi). Westminster Foundation for Democracy.

Kalemaj, I. (2018). Gracka e Votuesit: Mes Alkimisë Elektorale dhe Demokracisë Hibride (co-authored with Eltion Meka). Tiranë: UET Press.

Kalemaj, I. (2014). Contested Borders: Territorialization of National Identity and Shifts of “Imagined Geographies” in Albania. Peter Lang Ltd. Oxford 2014. ISBN: 978-3-0343-1784-9.

Kalemaj, I. (2014). Kosovo and Albania: Quo Vadis? Tirane: Friedrich Ebert Siftung. http://www.fes-tirana.org/media/publications/pdf-files/2014/t-141217-kosovo-albania-quovadis-eng.pdf

Kalemaj, I.& Hroni, E. (2012). My kind of NATO: Perceptions from Albania. Published in a booklet version from Centre for European and Security Affairs/ Institute for Democracy and Mediation with support of the NATO Public Diplomacy Division. ISBN: 978-9928-4123-2-4.

Kalemaj, I. & Pacara, E. (2011). Albania`s Struggle to Meet EU Environmental Criteria and Public Perception: How lack of attention to the environmental issues can delay the accession of Albania in EU? A policy paper published in a book format both in Albanian and English versions, as part of a project funded by Friedrich Ebert Siftung Organization.

Kalemaj, I. (2011). Book of novels and short stories published from the publishing house “Vllamasi”. The title of the book is “Time without Time”. ISBN: 978-99956-94-47-0

Kalemaj, I. (2009). Sources of Irredentism in Foreign Policy: Understanding Kin Policies in the Aftermath of Communism in Serbia and Albania. 2008. ISBN: 978-3-639-10426-4. Saarbrűcken, Germany: VDM Verlag, Dr. Műller.

Kalemaj, I. (2005). Book of poetry published from the publishing house “Dita 2000”. The title of the book is “Autumn` s Love”.

Book Chapters

Kalemaj, I. (2020). Chapters “Mendimi politik i së majtës” & "Isuf Luzaj- profil biografik". Published in Mendimi politik i së majtës: profile biografike. Tirane: Autoriteti per Informimin mbi Dokumentet e ish-Sigurimit te Shtetit & Friedrich Ebert Siftung.

Kalemaj, I. (2020). “Totalitarizmi shqiptar si rast sui generis në ish-Europën Lindore” [The Albanian Totalitarism as a sui generis case in former Eastern Europe], published in a new edited volume with the title “Shteti dhe Shoqeria ne Shqiperine Komuniste: 1945-1990]” [State and Society in Communist Albania: 1945-1990]. Tirane: Instituti i Studimeve Politike.

Kalemaj, I. and Lleshi, S., (2020). October. “Sources and Continuities of Ethno-religious Nationalism in the Western Balkans.” In The Challenges of Democratization and Reconciliation in the Post-Yugoslav Space (pp. 151-168). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.

Kalemaj, I. (2020). Albania: A Taxing Journey Toward Democratic Consolidation and European Integration). In Political History of Balkans (1989-2018). Joszed Duro & Zoltan Egeresi Ed.

Giakoumis K. & Kalemaj, I. (2018). The Perception of the Greek in the Albanian National Identity-Building Process (1886-1938). Ipirotiko Imeroglio. Eteria Ipirotkon Meleton. Kostas Baxos et al. eds. Vol 37. Pp. 359-384.

Giakoumis K. & Kalemaj I. (2018). Fortifying the Nation: The Image of the Greeks in Albanian History Textbooks (1945-1990). In Claudia Lichnofsky, Enriketa Pandelejmoni and Darko Stojanov, eds. Myths and Mythical Spaces: Conditions and Challenges for History Textbooks in Albania and South-Eastern Europe. Goettingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht Unipress.

Kalemaj, I. (2017). “A difficult Transition for Albania: The Saga’s Unfinished History” In From Communism to Democracy: Albanian Transition. Book Chapter. Tirane: Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike & Muzeu Kombetar.

Kalemaj, I.( 2017). “Stalinist Characteristics of Albania”. Book Chapter in I was a Citizen of Stalin Town. Tiranë: Muzeu Historik Kombëtar.

Giakoumis K. & Kalemaj I. (2014), “The Perception of the Greek as an ‘Enemy’ in the Albanian National-Identity Building Process. 1878-1921”, Myths in South-Eastern European Textbooks, Tirana, 22-24 October 2014, Tirana.

Kalemaj I. – Giakoumis K. (2014). Oscillating between Inclusionary Autonomy and Secessionist Independence: Albanian Perceptions of the Young Turks Movement, in Stamatopoulos D. [ed.] (2014), Young Turks and Ethnic Groups. Utah: Utah University Press.

Kalemaj, I. (2013). Book chapter on International Organizations. In Trygve Ben Holland ed. Public and International Law in a Nutshell. Saarbrücker Verlag für Rechtswissenschaften.

Kalemaj, I. (2012). “Kosovo issue: a source of dialogue or bone of contention in EU- Russia relations?” In Scott N. Romaniuk and Marguerite Marlin eds. Divided States: Strategic Divisions in EU-Russia Relations.  Hamburg: Disserta Verlag.

Kalemaj, I. (2008). Nationalism and kin state policies: Irredentism in Serbian Foreign Policy, in Petar Atanackovic ed. Nation as a Problem or Solution. Novi Sad, Serbia: 2008.

 Refereed Conference Presentations

Kalemaj, I. (2024). Şemseddin Sâmi Frashëri: a forerunner of Turkish and Albanian nation-states.” 1st International Balkan Symposium "Balkans and the traces of Turkish civilization in Balkan geography", organized by Trakya University in collaboration with the Governorship of Edirne, Türkiye.

Kalemaj, I. (2023). Presenting in the 8th UNICART Multidisciplinary International Conference Human Heritage, Innovation and Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Basin 23 - 25 October, Bari, Italy, the paper: “Migrant crossings of the Mediterranean: threats and opportunities.”

Kalemaj, I. (2023). Presenting the “Türkiye’s indispensable role for the Western Balkans” paper in the International Conference organized by the Republic of Türkiye Embassy in Tirana and the Albanian-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Türkiye and Albania.

Kalemaj, I. (2022).  Participating in the regional conference Impact of the war in Ukraine on the Security Architecture in Southeastern Europe with a presentation on War in Ukraine: new steps and old ways? Belgrade, Serbia. December 3.

Kalemaj, I. (2022).  Participating in the regional conference Open Balkans- beyond the noise of controversy: Regional cooperation analysis and the way forward with the paper “Open Balkans: An Albanian Perspective.” Tirane, Albania, November 23.

Kalemaj, I. (2022). Participating in the 2nd Balkan Congress/ International Conference on September 16-18 at University of New York Tirana with the paper “Security Dimensions in Western Balkans and the Albania-Serbia Nexus”.

Kalemaj, I. (2022). Participating in The 5th International Congress of Economy, Finance, and Energy (EFE'2022) will be held in Turkistan, Kazakhstan, on September 7-9, 2022, presenting a paper on “Political instability, economic and financial challenges in the Western Balkans in the post-pandemic world” and moderating the session Geopolitical Relations after the Pandemic. 

Kalemaj, I. (2022). “Chinese Influence in Albania: Real or Perceived?” Presented at International Conference “Security in Western Balkans” organized by UAMD and University Cote d’Azur Nice, with May 20.

Kalemaj, I. (2022). “The Absence of Political Culture Explains Lack of Democratic Consolidation in Albania”. In the international conference Youth involvement in a constructive dialogue: Communist Past in Contemporary Western Balkans (YOU-WB). May 11.

Kalemaj, I. (2022). “Democratic Party Crisis: A New Opportunity for Re-modelling of Albanian Society”. DSSH Conference. UET University. May 7.

Kalemaj, I. (2020).  “Covid’ 19 and Kosovo-Serbia dialogue in arrears.” International Conference on Social Sciences: The Uncertainties and Challenges in the Balkans: Case of Covid’19. UNYT: Balkan Research Center.

Kalemaj, I. (2019).   ALBANIAN FOREIGN POLICY AND THE FOCUS ON BILATERAL RELATIONS: CHALLENGES FOR THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE International Conference. Presenting “Albania-Serbia Relations: A New Paradigm.”

Kalemaj, I. (2019).  Impakti Austro-Hungarez ne Komb dhe Shtet-Formimin Shqiptar ne vitet 1915-1918. Published in conference proceedings with the title Austro-Hungaria dhe Shqiperia 1916-1918 [Osterreichisch-Ungarsche Monarchie Und Albanien, 1916-1918] in German and English. Tirane: Muzeu Historik Kombetar.

Kalemaj, I. (2019).  Presenting on Serbian-Albanian relations, their democratization processes and reconciliation in Belgrade, Serbia Summer School, part of the Jean Monnet Network in https://democratizationandreconciliation.com/2019/07/15/summer-school-2-in-belgrade/   

Kalemaj, I. (2019).   Presenting at CEI-supported Winter School “Creating territorial cooperation: the impact of intercultural dialogue and migration flows in South East Europe” in Cesenatico, Italy, on Populism and Nationalism, part of the Jean Monnet Network on Democratization and Reconciliation in the Western Balkans.

Kalemaj, I. (2018).   Presenting at the International conference on ‘Democratization and Ethnic Reconciliation: Theoretical challenges and the role of European integration’, organized by UNYT as the leading partner of the Jean Monnet Network on Democratization and Reconciliation in the Western Balkans.

Kalemaj, I. (2017).  Moderator and co-organizer of the Conference “Role of Internationals in Transition in Albania”, organized by OSCE presence in Albania. Tiranë. 6 December. Title of the paper I presented: “Role of Internationals in the Economic Development in Albania,” later published in the conference proceedings.

Kalemaj, I. (2017). Aleks Buda, Mitet Komuniste rreth Kombit dhe Struktura Konceptuale e Muzeut Historik Kombëtar.[Aleks Buda, Communist Myths about Nation and the Conceptual Structure of National Historical Museum]. In Aleks Buda dhe Studimet Albanologjike. Përmbledhje e Materialeve të Konferencës Shkencore Ndërkombëtare, Elbasan, 20 maj 2016, Tirana: Shpresa Print, pp. 142-154.

Kalemaj, I. (2017) Albania caught between the “Scylla” of political antagonism and “Charybdis” of institutional stalemate. Paper presented in April 24 at the international conference Western Balkans between Internal Transitions and the European Integration Process, organized by The Centre for European Neighbourhood Studies (CENS) of the Central European University (CEU) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES). Published as policy brief on July 14, 2017.

Kalemaj, I. (2017). Populist pressures, social networks and “fake news”. Presented in the national conference Kërcënimi nga Populizmi [Threat from Populism], organized by Forum for Economic Freedom. 25 Feb.

Kalemaj, I. (2016). “Neoliberalism hegemony in Europe and Albania.” Battlefield: Culture. Cultural Activism and Social Change International conference. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nov. 13-14.

Kalemaj, I. (2016).   “Instability in Libya: Implications for the MENA Region and Beyond.” NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committe on the Civil Dimension of Security. Tiranë. 28 Maj.

Kalemaj, I. (2016). “Challenges and opportunities in the Western Balkans: Albania in the crossroad of regional versus European integration.” The International Conference: Regional Cooperation and Regional Identity in the Western Balkans: Similarities and Differences, organized by the Centre for EU Neighbourhood Studies (CENS) of the Central European University (CEU) and the Andrássy Forum for Western Balkan Studies at the Andrássy University in Budapest (AUB)  Budapest, Hungary. May 23.

Kalemaj, I. (2016).  “Vështrim Analitik mbi Tranzicionin Shqiptar.” Konferenca kombëtare: Nga komunizmi në demokraci, tranzicioni shqiptar. Bashkëorganizuar nga Muzeu Kombëtar dhe Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike: Tiranë. June 26-30.

Kalemaj, I. (2016).   The dog that did not bark: Albania`s lack of nationalist policies and difficult democratization in the post-communist period. Forthcoming in "Transition in Retrospect, Vol. 1, Comparative Historical Analysis".– Spring 2016. Nov. 27.

Kalemaj, I. (2015). From Isolationism to Integrationalism? Changing Perceptions of the “Other” in Albanian School History Textbooks after 1991 "Transition in Retrospect, Vol. 1, The Cases of Albanian and Kosovo". E. Cenko,.– Spring 2016. Co-author. November 27.

Kalemaj, I. (2015).  HOW ARE SOCIAL POLICIES INFORMED BY SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH?  3rd International Conference on “Research and Education: Challenges of the Future, organized by the University of Shkodra Luigj Gurakuqi and ICRAE, Shkodër, Albania. Co-author. Oct. 23-24.

Kalemaj, I. (2015). Representing War & Revolution in History School Textbooks of Nascent States: A Comparison between Macedonia and Albania. Historiography and History Education in the South Slavic and Albanian Regions. International Conference organized by George Eckert Institute in cooperation with the Institute of National History and the Institute of the Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of the Albanians. Skopje, Macedonia. Co-author. June 3.

Kalemaj, I. (2015). “Albania`s Rocky Road of Transition: An Unfinished Journey.” Presenting at: The Fourth International Scientific Conference “THE STATE, SOCIETY AND LAW: ALBANIANS 25 YEARS FROM THE CHANGES OF SYSTEMS”, Durrës, Albania. Published at the Conference Proceedings. May 2.

Kalemaj, I. (2015).  Political Culture in Post-Communist Period: The Cases of Albania and FYROM. Presented at Albanian Days II. International Conference Organized by European University of Tirana. April 24-26.

Kalemaj, I. (2015). Kombi dhe Shtet-Formimi ne Rastin Shqiptar ne Fillim te Shek. 21. Konference Shkencore Nderkombetare “102 vjet shtet shqiptar dhe me pas”. Qendra per Marredhenie Nderkombetare dhe Studime Ballkanike ne Maqedoni. April 16.


Kalemaj, I. (2014). Modele Zhvillimi të Qëndrueshëm në Europën Qëndrore dhe Rasti Shqiptar [Developmental Models in Eastern Europe and the Albanian Case]. International Conference Challenges of Sustainable Development. Dec. 19.

Kalemaj, I. (2014). “The Politics & Pragmatics of War & Revolution in History School Textbooks of Albania from National Awakening to 1939”. In the International Conference Balkan Worlds II: Balkan Perceptions of War & Revolution in the Long Nineteenth Century (1789- 1918). Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, November 27-29, 2014, Thessaloniki. Nov. 27-29.

Kalemaj, I. (2014).  Continuity and Change in perceptions of the Greek as an “enemy” in the Albanian national identity-building process (Albanian National Movement up to 2010s). Paper presented in the International Conference: “Myths in south-eastern European textbooks”. Georg Eckert Institute, Tirana. Oct. 22-25.

Kalemaj, I. (2014). “Continuities and Changes in Perceiving the Greek as an “Enemy” in the Albanian National Identity-Building Process: Albanian National Movement to  2010s”, Strategies of Symbolic Nation-Building. Strategies of Symbolic Nation-Building International Conference, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Rijeka. May 8-10.

Kalemaj, I. (2014).   Participation in the Regional Workshop “Quality Development in VET- from Check to Act” in Vienna, Austria, organized from ERISEE and KulturKontakt. Nov. 5-8.

Kalemaj, I. (2014). Participation in the Official Albanian Delegation Study Tour in Developing the Labour Market Information System in Albania in Kopenhagen, Denmark. Oct. 29th- Nov. 2.

Kalemaj, I. (2012). Participating member in a Life-Long Learning Education and Training Conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Oct. 2-5.

Kalemaj, I. (2011).  Presenting at the Annual Doctoral Conference of CEU and Corvinus University the following paper: (Re)making the Boundaries through Continuities and Shifts of Mental Maps: territorializing identity in the Albanian case. April 28.

Kalemaj, I. (2010). Presenting and publishing at the international conference proceedings at the Conference Western Balkans: An Opportunity or a Challenge for the future of EU, co-organized by Kosovo Public Policy Center, the American University in Kosovo Research Center, and the Victory University College, the following paper: “Kosovo as a litmus test of ‘normative power’ Europe or embedded in old- style cost calculations politics?” June 26-27.

Kalemaj, I. (2010).  Presenting and publishing at the international conference proceedings at 2nd International Scientific Conference Economic Policy and EU Integration”. University Aleksander Moisiu, Economics and Administration Faculty. Durres, Albania. Paper title: “Challenges that Albania Faces in Meeting EU Conditionality: The Political, Economic and Legal criteria.” Co-authored with Dorian Deltina. June 11-13.

Kalemaj, I. (2009). Presenting and publishing in the conference proceedings of the 6th EuPRA (European Peace and Research Association) bi-annual scientific Congress “European Peace Architecture: Integration-Cooperation- Engagement” organized at the European University of Albania venue, a paper titled: Nation-state identities and principles of Multiculturalism: is there a contradiction? July 23-26.

Kalemaj, I. (2009).  Participation in the 1st Annual Conference 2009, Ideology, Democracy and Social Change in the Western Balkans: Challenges for the Social Sciences. Also attending the workshop in Media and Democratization in the South-Eastern region as part of the same activity. June 26.

Kalemaj, I. (2009). Participation in the IHJR (Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation) Conference: Facing the Past, Searching the Future. Budapest, Hungary. Member of the Albanian delegation of historians in the Serbian-Albanian working teams. June 9-12.

Kalemaj, I. (2008). Participation at the International Conference organized by the intra-Albanian Institute “Alb-Shkenca” where I presented a paper, titled: Depoliticization of public sphere and the role of international actors in Albania” at the Social Sciences section. Published in conference proceedings after reviewing process. September 1.

Kalemaj, I. (2008). Participation at the Albanian Integration and Globalization symposium, where I presented a paper titled: “Contemporary Economic Models and strategies of development in Albania and Kosovo”. Tirana 2008. September 2.

Kalemaj, I. (2008).  Fellowship at the Summer Research Laboratory, conducted at the Russian, East European, and Eurasian Centre, and participation at the Balkan Studies Workshop at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. June 19- June 29.

Kalemaj, I. (2008).  Participant in the Albanian National Conference on Decentralization and Liberalization of Public Policies, organized by European University of Tirana and Liberal Institute. September 17.

Kalemaj, I. (2006). Participant in “Europe 2007” Conference, organized by Global Knowledge Foundation in Budapest, Hungary. September 29.

Kalemaj, I. (2006). Participant in the seminar “Publishing in Scholarly Journals”, organized by Central European University and the Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities: and Social Sciences and Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. September 26.

Kalemaj, I. (2006). Participant in the workshop: “The opportunities of work and career in Albania”, organized by Albstudent. August 29.

Kalemaj, I. (2006). Participant at the conference: “European Integration: Efforts to promote challenging views to European integration”, organized by the Albanian Liberal Institute. July 28.

Funded Research Projects

Key team member of the Jean Monnet Module for Democracy Promotion (in a two-member team) that was under implementation from Department Social Sciences who I Chaired (2016-2019).

Key team member of the Democratization and Reconciliation in the Balkans Erasmus Program (in a three-member team) that was under implementation from Department of Social Sciences who I Chaired (2017-2020).

Team member of the Jean Monnet for Refugee Law that was currently under implementation from Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, who I Chaired (2017-2020). Teaching and Research: Modules, Chairs and Centers of Excellence 587001-EPP-1-2017-1-AL-EPPJMO-MODULE 

October 2018- November 2019: Researcher with OSCE Albania for Transitional Justice Project.

Doctoral defenses under my supervision

  1. Ramiola Kalemi. 27 September 2019. Successfully defended PhD Dissertation titled: “Challenges of the Democratization Process in Albania from a Political Culture Perspective: A Comparative Case Study of Albania and Estonia”. University of New York Tirane (UNYT).
  2. Genti Margariti. 13 May 2022. Successfully defended PhD Dissertation titled: “Problemet e modelit demokratik elitar ne Shqipëri gjatë tranzicionit për konsolidimin drejt demokracive liberale.” University of Tirana (UT).


Award in Recognition for Excellence in Research. UNYT, July 7, 2022.

Award in Recognition for Excellence in Teaching. UNYT, July 5, 2018.

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