
Assoc. Prof. Enila CENKO



Ph.D.: Psychology, Clark University, USA (2009)

MA: Counseling Psychology, Concentration in Child and Family Interventions/Concentration in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Assumption College, USA (2004)

BA: Psychology (summa cum laude), Assumption College, USA (2002)


Research: Issues of Child Welfare, Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Development, Socio-Cultural Issues in Human Development

Teaching: Counseling Theory and Practice, Human Development, Child Development, Cognitive Psychology


Academic Experience

University of New York Tirana- State University of New York/Empire State College, Lecturer/Associate Professor (2007- Current)

European University of Tirana, Albania, Lecturer (2008-2010)

Clark University, USA, Assistant Lecturer (2006-2008)

Administrative Experience

University of New York Tirana, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, (2021 – Current)

University of New York Tirana, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, (2019-2021)

University of New York Tirana, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, (2015-2019)

University of New York Tirana, Head of the Social Science Research Center, (2013-2019)

University of New York Tirana, Program Director of the BA program in Psychology (2011-2020)

University of New York Tirana, Director of Counseling Office (2011-2018)

Professional Experience

Member of the Ethical Commission of Professional Judgment, Order of Psychologist in the Republic of Albania (2020-present)

Representative of the Order of Psychologist in the Republic of Albania, Board on Human Rights and Psychology, European Federation of Psychological Associations (2020-2021)

Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Balkan Studies. Published by EU &

Balkan Research Institute. University of New York Tirana Press (2020- present).

Editorial Board member of the peridiocal Humans. Published by Shtepia Botuese Onfuri (2017- present).


Refereed Journal Articles

Meinck, F., Murray, A., Dunne, M., Schmidt, P., Nikolaidis, G., Petroulaki, K., Zarakosta, F., Tsirigoti, A., Hazizaj, A., Cenko, E., Brick-Smigoc, J., Vajzovic, E., E., Stancheva, V., Chincheva, S., Ajdukovic, M., Rajter, M., ., Raleva, M., Trpcevska, l., Roth, M., Antal, I., Ispanovic, V., Hanak, N., Olmezoglu-Sofuoglu, Z., Umit-Bal, i., Bianchi, D., Meinck, F., Browne, K. (2020). Measuring violence against children: The adequacy of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) child abuse screening tool-Child version in 9 Balkan countries. Child Abuse & Neglect108, 104636. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104636

Beka, R., & Cenko, E. (2019). How does the way we design hotels influence consumer brand experiences. Hospitality & Society9(3), 331-348. doi: 10.1386/hosp_00005_1

Nikolaidis, G., Petroulaki, K., Zarokosta, F., Tsirigoti, A., Hazizaj, A., Cenko, E., Brkic-Smigoc, J., Vajzovic, E., Stancheva, V., Chincheva, S., Ajdukovic, M., Rajter, M., Raleva, M., Trpcevska, l., Roth, M., Antal, I., Ispanovic, V., Hanak, N., Olmezoglu-Sofuoglu, Z., Umit-Bal, i., Bianchi, D., Meinck, F., Browne, K. (2018). Lifetime and past-year prevalence of children’s exposure to violence in 9 Balkan countries: the BECAN study. Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health12(1), 1-15. doi.org/10.1186/s13034-017-0208-x

Krys, K., Capaldi, C. A., Tilburg, W., Lipp, O. V., Bond, M. H., Vauclair, C.-M., Manickam, L. S., Domínguez‐Espinosa, A., Torres, C., Lun, V. M., Teyssier, J., Miles, L. K., Hansen, K., Park, J., Wagner, W., Yu, A. A., Xing, C., Wise, R., Sun, C., Siddiqui, R. S., Salem, R., Rizwan, M., Pavlopoulos, V., Nader, M., Maricchiolo, F., Malbran, M., Javangwe, G., Işık, İ., Igbokwe, D. O., Hur, T., Hassan, A., Gonzalez, A., Fülöp, M., Denoux, P., Cenko, E., Chkhaidze, A., Shmeleva, E., Antalíková, R., & Ahmed, R. A. (2018). Catching up with wonderful women: The women‐are‐wonderful effect is smaller in more gender egalitarian societies. International Journal of Psychology, 53, 21-26. doi:10.1002/ijop.12420

Cenko, E. (2017). The Early Acquisition of Verb Constructions in Albanian: Evidence from Children’s Verb Use in Experimental Contexts. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. Vol 6 No 1. MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy

Cenko, E., & Tarifa, F. (2017). Një universitet për shekullin e 21-të” [A University for the 21st Century], Kuvendi, No. 7, pp. 44-47.

Cenko , E. (2017). Cfare deshmon buzeqeshja ne kultura te ndryshme? Humanus, Nr. 4, pp. 67-72 Shtepia Botuese Onufri Tirane ISSN:2518-8321

Krys, K., Vauclair, M., Capaldi, C., Lun, V., Bond, M., Domínguez-Espinosa, A., Torres, C., Lipp, O., Manickam, S., Xing, C., Antalíková, R., Pavlopoulos, V., Teyssier, J., Hur, T., Hansen, K., Szarota, P., Ahmed, R., Burtceva, E., Chkhaidze, A., Cenko, E., Denoux, P., Fülöp, M., Hassan, A., Igbokwe, D., Işık, İ., Javangwe, G., Malbran, M., Maricchiolo, F., Mikarsa, H., Miles, L., Nader, M., Park, J., Rizwan, M., Salem, R., Schwarz, B., Shah, I., Sun, Ch., Tilburg, W., Wagner, W., Wise, R, & Yu, A. (2015). Be careful where you smile: Culture shapes judgments of intelligence and honesty of smiling individuals. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 40, 101-116. doi:10.1007/s10919-015-0226-4

Cenko, E. (2016). Exploring Societal Norms on Child Sexual Abuse in Albania: A Pilot Study. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 7 No 6. MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy

Cenko, E. & Tarifa, F (2015). “Shkencat e shoqërisë dhe problemet sociale”,[Social Sciences and Social Problems”, Buletini shkencor (Seria e shkencave shoqërore), Vol. 20, (botim i Universitetit “Fan S. Noli” të Korçës).

Beka, R. & Cenko. E. (2015). “Roli i dizajnit ne marketingun e shqisave dhe efekti i tij në psikologjinë e sjelljes konsumatore”, Buletini shkencor (Seria e shkencave shoqërore), (botim i Universitetit “Luigj Gurakuqi” të Shkodrës).

Carmiol, A.M. & Cenko, E. (2007). Weaving Culture and Development Together: A Study of the Zinacantec Mayan Way of Living. [Review of the book Weaving generations together: Evolving creativity in the Maya of Chiapas].Culture and Psychology, Vol 13(4), 500-512.

Cenko, E. & Budwig, N. (2007). The acquisition of early verb constructions in Albanian: A first look at transitives and intransitives. H. Caunt-Nulton, S. Kulatilake, & I. Woo (Eds.), A supplement to the proceedings of the 31st Boston University Conference on Language.

Books and Book Chapters

Cenko, E. & Tarifa, F. (2016) Shkenca sociale si teori dhe praktikë [Social Science as Theory and    Practice], Tiranë: Onufri.

Cenko, E. (2009). The early acquisition of verb constructions in Albanian: Evidence from children’s verb use in naturalistic and experimental contexts. UMI Publishing, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Refereed Conference Presentations

Cenko, E., & Canollari, A. (2018).  The role of academic support services in ensuring student success and well-being: a case study in the Albanian higher education context. 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Palma, Spain.

Beka, R., & Cenko, E. (2018). How does the way we design hotels influence consumer brand experiences. International Conference (THE INC 2018) Tourism Hospitality & Events in a Changing World. University of Sunderland, UK.

Traversa, R., Cenko, E., & Dhima, S. (2018). Identifying pleasure: a dialogical approach on the embodied I-positions of daily-life in Albania. 10th Internatıonal Conference on the Dialogıcal Self, Portugal.

Cenko, E. & Tarifa, F. (2018). Sektori joshtetëror në arsimin e lartë: Risi dhe dinamizëm. Konferenca e tretë shkencore e Forumit të Pavarur të Rektorëve. Universiteti Luarasi, Tirana.

Naci, E., Cenko, E., & Miraka, O. (2017). Perceptions of female beauty in the Albanian context: gender and age differences between 18-25 and 36-45 age groups. Paper presented at the 6th European Conference on Mental Health, Berlin, Germany.

Cenko, E. & Canollari, A. (2017). Here, there, and everywhere: Second generation of Albanian youth cycle of migration. Paper presented at the International Conference on Migration, Diaspora and Development in Albania and in the Western Balkans. Organized by the Center for Economic and Social Studies and the Mediterranean University of Albania. Tirana, Albania.

Cenko, E., & Tarifa, F. (2017) “Universiteti, ekonomia e dijes dhe përgatitja e „punonjësve të dijes‟” [The University, Knowledge Economy and the Training of “Knowledge Workers”], in Ekonomia e dijes dhe tregu i arsimit të lartë në Shqipëri [Knowledge Economy and the Market of Higher Education in Albania] (Tiranë: UET Press), pp. 29-33

Cenko, E., & Tarifa, F. (2016). “Sfidat e universitetit në epokën digjitale”. Konferenca “Universiteti, Zhvillimi dhe Inovacioni”. Organizuar nga Forumi i Pavarur i Rektorëve dhe Universiteti Polis. Tirana, Albania.

Cenko, E. & Olldashi, K. (2015). Child Protection: Legal and social issues in the Albanian context. Paper presented at the international conference on “Transition in Retrospect: Twenty-Five Years after the Fall of Communism”, organized by the University of New York Tirana, Tirana, Albania.

Canollari, A., & Cenko, E. (2015). Conceptualizing the cultural identity of Albanian migrant youth as returned students in their native country. Paper presented at the international conference on “Transition in Retrospect: Twenty-Five Years after the Fall of Communism”, organized by the University of New York Tirana, Tirana, Albania.

Canollari, A., & Cenko, E. (2015). In Greece they call me Meti, in Albania they call me Menelaos”: Reshaping identity under the impact of Returning to native country to pursue higher education.” International Conference on Labor Migration and Industrial Citizenship “Albanians on the move: Citizenship, Identity and Development,” Tirana, Albania

Canollari, A., & Cenko, E. (2015). Reconstructing the image of self under the impact of socio-cultural changes: Albanian Case. 10th International Conference of the Albanian Institute of Sociology “How the International Migration is shaping the contemporary society”. Prishtina, Kosovo.

Tarifa, F., & Cenko, E. (2015). “Shendetesia jone ne proces reformimi”. Forumi i 8-te publik I Akademise Shqiptare te Arteve dhe Shkencave, Tirana, Albania.

Tarifa, F., Cenko, E., & Kalemaj, I. (2015). How Are Social Policies Informed by Social Science Research? Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on “Research and Education: Challenges of the Future, organized by the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” and ICRAE, Shkodër, Albania.

Giakoumis K., Lockwood C. and Cenko E. (2015). Fear of Death and Mountainous Pilgrimage in Albania. Paper presented at the International Interdisciplinary Conference “Movements, Narratives and Landscapes”, University of Zadar, Department of Geography – Department of Ethnography and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia.

Beka, R., & Cenko, E. (2015). Using impression design as a brand experience provider. Global Fashion Management Conference in Florence, “Renaissance of Marketing and Management in Fashion” University of Florence, Florence, Italy, June 25-28, 2015.

Cenko, E. (2013). Rezultatet e studimit BECAN në Shqipëri. Organizuar nga Qendra për mbrojtjen e të Drejtave të Fëmijëve në Shqipëri. Tirana, Albania.

Cenko, E., & Haxhiymeri, E. (2012). Findings of the BECAN study in Albania. International Conference: Inquiring child abuse and neglect in the Balkan and world during crisis.” Organized by Institute of Child Health, Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare – Centre for the Study & Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect, Athens, Greece.

Cenko, E., Haxhiymeri, E., Hazizaj, A., & Coku, B. (2011). The adaptation and piloting of the ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool Children’s Version in Albanian. Paper presented at the 12th ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Tampere, Finland.

Cenko, E. & Kapia, E. (2009). Cognitive and linguistic features of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Invited presentation at the 2nd international conference on autism organized by the Albanian Children’s Foundation in collaboration with Autism Speaks, Tirana, Albania.

Kapia, E. & Cenko.E. (2009).Developmental screening in Autism Spectrum Disorders: The MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories. Invited presentation at the 2nd international conference on autism organized by the Albanian Children’s Foundation in collaboration with Autism Speaks, Tirana, Albania.

Cenko, E. (2009).Screening for cognitive functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Invited presentation at the 2nd international conference on autism organized by the Albanian Children’s Foundation in collaboration with Autism Speaks, Tirana, Albania.

Budwig, N., Srivastava, S., Cenko, E., & Hu, J. (2009, April) A comparison of 2- and 3-   year-olds verb use in naturalistic and experimental contexts: A crosslinguistic study. Paper presented as part of paper symposium at the Society for Research in Child Development biennial meeting, Denver, CO, USA.

Cenko, E., & Budwig, N. (2007, August) Albanian children’s productive use of language: The role of caregiver input. Poster presented at the European Conference of Developmental Psychologists, Jenna, Germany.

Cenko, E. (2007, March). The acquisition of early verb constructions in Albanian. Poster presented as part of poster symposium at the Society for Research in Child                Development biennial meeting, Boston, MA, USA.

Cenko, E. & Budwig, N. (2006, November). The acquisition of early verb constructions in Albanian. Poster presented at the 31st annual Boston University              Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, USA.

Cenko, E., Budwig, N., Hu, J., Smith, M., & Goodspeed, S. (2006, June).  The development of verb constructions: A comparative analysis of Head Start and middle class children. Poster presented at the Jean Piaget Society  36th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Reese, E., Sparks, A., & Cenko, E. (2006, June). Talking to children: How important is context? Paper presented at the Jean Piaget Society 36th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Cenko, E., Budwig, N., Hu, J., Smith, M., & Goodspeed, S. (2006, March). The development of verb constructions: A comparative analysis of Head Start and middle class children. Poster presented at the Clark University Graduate Multidisciplinary Conference 4th Annual Meeting, MA, USA.

Funded Research Projects

Management Committee Member and Representative for Albania in the COST Action CA 19106 “Multi-Sectoral Responses to Child Abuse and Neglect in Europe: Incidence and Trends” (2020-present)

Scientific coordinator for the Balkan Epidemiological Study on Child Abuse and Neglect. Under the auspices of the EU [FP7, DG-RESEARCH, HEALTH-F2-2009-223478] (2010-2012)

Member of the Jean Monnet Module Health Issues (587001_EPP-1-2017-1- AL-EPPJMO-MODULE), University of New York Tirana, 2019-present)


2016 Best Professor of the Year Award, University of New York Tirana

2004-2009 Doctoral fellowship, Full tuition and stipend, Clark University, MA, USA.

2006 Recipient of the Graduate Student Council Travel Award, Clark University, MA, USA

2005 Recipient of Frances L. Hiatt Summer Research Fellowship, Clark University, MA, USA

2005 Recipient of grant awarded by the Open Society for Albania, Soros Foundation to support the scientific research of Albanian students pursuing a doctoral degree in a foreign university, Tirana, Albania

2002-2003 Recipient of Masters Fellowship given to graduate students displaying academic excellence; decided by faculty, Assumption College, MA, USA

2002 William James Award presented at Annual Honors Convocation to one of top students majoring in Psychology; decided by faculty, Assumption College, MA, USA

2001   Psi Chi Psychology – American National Honor Society Lifetime Membership

1998-2002 Dean’s List, Assumption College, MA, USA

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