
Andromahi KUFO_Ph.D. 



Ph.D.: Risk Management and Financial Institutions, University of Tirana, Albania (2015)

MSc  :  Finance, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (2006)

BA    : Accounting and Finance, University of Macedonia, Greece (2004)


Research: Risk Management, Financial Intermediaries, Insurance Companies

Teaching: Risk Management, Financial Management, Investment Management, Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, International Finance


Academic Experience

University of New York Tirana (AL), Department of Economics and Finance, Lecturer (2014-Current)

University of Tirana (AL), Department of Finance, Assistant Lecturer (2007-2008) 

Administrative Experience

University of New York Tirana (AL), Head of Economics and Finance Department (2019 – Current)

University of New York Tirana (AL), Vice Director of European and Balkan Studies Research Institute (Jun 2020 – Ongoing) 

Professional Experience

Alpha Bank Albania, Manager of Loan Administration Department (Jul 2009 – Sept 2014)

Alpha Bank Albania, Supervisor of Property, Procurement and Security Section (Aug 2008 – Jul 2009)

Alpha Bank Albania, Coordinator in Operations Department Organization and Development Section  (Feb 2008 – Jul 2008)

Alpha Bank Albania, Head of Cards Unit (Jan 2007 – Jan 2008)

Alpha Bank Albania Supervisor Accountant of Cards Unit (Oct 2006 – Dec 2006)

University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, Administrative Assistant (2004-2006) 


Refereed Journal Articles

Nurja, I & Kufo A. (2016). Non-performing loans and government taxes in the Albanian banking system, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.6, nr.7, ISSN 2039-9340 (print) ISSN 2039-2117 (online).

Kufo, A & Kripa D. (2015). Capital, risk and efficiency: a simple regression on the Albanian banking sector. Albanian Socio-Economic Review, Vol. 83, Issue 2, ISSN: 2222-5846, ISSN: 2312-5349.

Kufo, A. & Kripa D. (2015). Albanian banking sector and the challenges of adopting Basel II. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Vol. 9, Issue 1, online ISSN: 2247-6172; ISSN-L: 2247-6172.

Kufo, A. (2015). Albanian banking system: risk behavior and capital requirements. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, Vol.  3, Issue 2, online ISSN: 1857- 8721.

Refereed Conference Presentations

Gjeçi, A., Kufo, A., Tori, A. (2023). Covid-19 Outbreak: Impacts on Bank Deposits and Bank Lending. Paper presented at the 33rd RSEP International Conference on Economics, Finance & Business. Rome, Italy on 23-24 November 2023. https://rsepconferences.com/past-conferences/33rd-rome-conference/

Kufo, A., Gjeçi, A., Pilkati, A. (2023). Cryptocurrency Return Volatility: An insight into the factors of influence. Paper presented at the 33rd RSEP International Conference on Economics, Finance & Business. Rome, Italy on 23-24 November 2023. https://rsepconferences.com/past-conferences/33rd-rome-conference/

Gjeçi, A., Kufo, A., Tori, A. (2023). Bank Loan Quality and the Impact of the Covid-19 Outbreak. Paper presented at the 2nd Conference on International Finance; Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth (CINSC). Ljubljana, Slovenia on June 18-20, 2023. https://www.ffea.eu/future-conferences/cinsc-ljubljana-june-2023

Jakupi G. Kufo A. (2020). Corporate Governance and its impact on bank’s profitability. Paper presented at the International Scientific Conference: “Challenges and Opportunities of a Contemporary Economy in the Focus of Knowledge and Science”, Tirane, Albania.

Kripa, D. Korbi, A. Kufo, A. (2014). Factors that affect the performance of housing prices in Albania. Presented at the 6th International Conference “The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the Changed world”, Nis, Serbia

Kripa, D. Kufo A. (2013). Is there a bubble in the Albanian housing market? Presented at the 9th International ASECU conference onn systemic economic crisis: current issues and perspectives”, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics, Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ISBN: 978-608-212-036-2

Kufo A. (2015). Capital Requirements and bank’s behavior: critical review on theories and empirical models.  Presented at the International Economy and Business doctoral students Conference, Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Tiranë.

Kufo, A. Kripa D. (2012). The financial crisis of 2008 and the case of Albania: Are we affected from the subprime crisis? Presented at the International Scientific conference: “Economic& Social Challenges 2011-Globalization and Sustainable Development”, Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Tiranë. ISBN: 2219-3200.

Kripa, D. Kufo A. (2011). Albanian Economy and Regional Economies: Is there any correlation? Presented at the International conference “Fostering Development of Agriculture in Albania through Improved Use of Agricultural Resources”, Tirana, Organized by The Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness at the Agriculture University of Tirana, Tiranë. ISBN: 978-99956-92-43-8. 


International Journal of Balkan Studies, Deputy Editor in Chief (Jun 2020 – 2021)

International Journal of Business Research and Management, Rome, Italy, Member of the Editorial Board (2020 – 2021)


Agency of Quality Assurance of Higher Education, Tirana, Albania, External Expert of the National Accreditation Authority (2019 – Ongoing

Delegation of the European Union in Albania, Tirana, Albania, External Expert in the Finance field (2017 – Ongoing)

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