

Regional Research, Promotion Programmes – Western Balkans.

Year: 2011 – 2012

Project Title: Beyond Ethnic Divisions: The Underestimated Dimension of Social Divisions in the Balkans and Their Impact on Social Cohesion and Democracy

EU Programme: IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation “ADRIATinn”

Year: 2014-2016

Project code: 1o str./0007/0

Project Title: An Adriatic Network for Advancing Research Development and Innovation towards the Creation of new Policies for Sustainable Competiveness and Technological Capacity of SMEs

Official Link: http://www.adriatinn.eu/

Regional Research, Promotion Programmes – Western Balkans.

Year: 2014 – 2016

Project Title: Industrial Citizenship and Migration from the Western Balkans: Migration from Albania and Kosovo towards Greece, Germany and Switzerland

EU Programme: Erasmus Plus Programme

Years: 2015 –2018

Project no: 561510-EPP-1-2015-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project title: Strategic Support on Strengthening the Quality Assurance Structures at the Private Higher Education Institutions in Albania

Project acronym: QAinAL

Project Description: The wider project objective is to establish and support quality assurance processes and mechanisms to ensure effective management and enhance teaching and learning at the private higher education institutions in Albania. The project aims to support the private higher education institutions in Albania to achieve the priorities of the two key documents: “Increasing the impact of EU Development: an Agenda for Change” and “European Higher Education in the World”. The project addresses, the national priority for Joint Project, quality assurance processes and mechanisms, under category C – improving management and operation of higher education institutions.

Erasmus+ Programme: Jean Monnet Module

Project Title: EU Democracy Promotion

Year: 2016-2019

Project Code: 575239-EPP-1-2016-1-AL-EPPJMO-MODULE

Project Description: This Module proposal aims at designing two highly customized courses on EU Democracy Promotion (one at the bachelor level and one at the master level). While historically, democratization was thought to take place primarily within the domestic context, with the growth of promotional aid activities by international actors such as the EU, UN and US, it became apparent that international factors can have a positive effect in achieving successful democratic transitions. No actor has been more active in this respect than the EU itself. Yet despite this growing body of literature, democracy promotion remains an under-theorized research program. In other words, the conditions under which democracy promotion is likely to be effective, the mechanisms through which democracy promotion is likely to be more efficient, and other similar theoretical questions remain unclear. It is this theoretical gap, which this Module proposal targets in order to better understand the causal mechanisms of EU democracy promotion.

Official Link: Course Syllabus

Official Link: Students Papers

Erasmus+ Programme: Jean Monnet Module

Project Title: Refugee Law

Year: 2017-2020

Project code: 587001-EPP-1-2017-1-AL- EPPJMO-MODULE

Project Description: This course is funded by Jean Monnet Module 2017-2020 (587001-EPP-1-2017-1-AL- EPPJMO-MODULE). Its main goal is to be an important academic centre to develop multidisciplinary courses in up-to-date topics. In particular, the master course “Refugee Law” points out the complexity to understand the socio-economic and legal framework regarding refugee movement in the national, European and international context

Erasmus+ Programme: Jean Monnet Module

Project Title: Democratization and Reconciliation in the Western Balkans

Year: 2017-2020

Project Description: The EU’s enlargement toward the east was conceived, among other reasons, on the basis that it would promote the consolidation of democracy in candidate countries. This Jean Monnet Networks project aims at building a consortium of higher education institutions, civil society organizations and research institutions with the purpose of delving into the question of why the EU’s democracy promotion policies have failed to encourage reconciliation in the Western Balkans. Overall, this project proposal aims at using a diversified set of activities, a diversified set of actors, and a diversified set of implementation and dissemination strategies in order to maximize output, impact and success. This Jean Monnet Networks project aims at building a consortium of higher education institutions, civil society organizations and research institutions with the purpose of delving into the question of why the EU’s democracy promotion policies have failed to encourage reconciliation in the Western Balkans. In other words, are the EU’s inclusiveness policies able to promote democratic values such as tolerance and diversity in the Western Balkans, in addition to democratic procedures?

Objectives: The objectives of this project were to gather information on the question of whether the EU’s inclusiveness policies are able to root out democratic values such as tolerance and diversity in the Western Balkans. In achieving this objective, a number of activities were carried out. Specifically, two international conferences, three summer schools, and a video library with the theme “Towards the Politics of Serbian-Albanian Friendship.”

Implementation: The project was implemented effectively in collaboration among the five project partners. Activities were divided among partners and were spread out across time. We faced no particular difficulties in implementing the projected activities. Each project partner was in control of their own activities, while the project leader coordinated the project, collected project evidence, and maintained project standards throughout the 3-years of the project.

Results: Overall, we feel confident that we were able to have the expected impact and deliver the results that we hoped for. Specifically, our key activities such as the two international conferences and three summer schools drew large numbers of participants. Each of these activities was attended by participants from throughout Europe as well as North America. The video library “Towards the Politics of Serbian-Albanian Friendship” was equally successful in drawing attention.

Erasmus+ Programme: Jean Monnet Module

Project Title: European Union Enlargement for the Western Balkans

Project Description: The objectives of this project are there divided into different sets of activities which would allow the university to centralize all its EU studies activities under one structure by creating a Center for EU Enlargement, with a bachelor’s programme in EU Studies. This center allows the university to become an information hub on EU studies and more specifically EU enlargement. The unique status of Albania as a country in the process of European integration provides an important opportunity and advantage in studying enlargement from within the country and within the region. Thus, by collaborating with European Movement Albania and other international partners, this project has widened its impact and outreach by creating an important nexus between higher education institutions and civil society organizations.

Erasmus+ Programme: Jean Monnet Module

Project Title: EU Health Issues

Project Description: With the financial support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, the University of New York Tirana (UNYT) implements the Jean Monnet Module on “EU Health Issues”. This Module is designed to explore a broad spectrum of European contemporary health problems by applying an interdisciplinary approach. Following the examination of the right to health, the students will acquire analytical knowledge of EU integration and EU values applied to health issues. Furthermore, students will learn to employ in-depth critical analysis to some of the most important legal challenges of health problems by investigating several international documents as well as the EU case-law, while gaining practical skills through Moot Court and Role Play.

Erasmus+ Programme: Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Project Description: The University of New York Tirana (UNYT) has proactively established the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence to augment its burgeoning reputation and expertise in the domain of European Integration. By establishing this Centre of Excellence, UNYT aims to enhance its research profile in various EU Studies, secure external funding to support its research endeavors, offer a comprehensive degree program in EU Studies, and foster inter-institutional partnerships with other Centers of Excellence globally. The creation of a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at UNYT serves as a strategic move that will contribute towards strengthening the university’s research and educational programs in the area of European Integration. This initiative enables UNYT to attract and retain top-notch researchers and scholars who specialize in EU Studies, thereby creating a vibrant research culture within the university. The Centre of Excellence also permits UNYT to provide an EU Studies degree program, thereby catering to students with a keen interest in EU integration. The curriculum of this degree program is designed in collaboration with the Centre’s research team, thus ensuring that it is relevant and reflective of the latest trends and developments in the EU. The establishment of this program will further cement UNYT’s reputation as a leading academic institution in the field of EU Studies.

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