


UNYT’s Winners List for the new academic year 2024-2025 | 2nd ROUND

UNYT’s Winners List for the new academic year 2024-2025 | 2nd ROUND

UNYT’s Winners List for the new academic year 2024-2025 | 2nd ROUND UNYT’s Winners List for the new academic year 2024-2025 | 2nd ROUND 2024-09-24T09:14:29+02:00 UNYT’s Winners List for the new academic year 2024-2025 | 2nd ROUND

<p></p> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/PapaParse/5.3.0/papaparse.min.js"></script> <h1>Search by ID</h1> <p>Enter your ID to find your details:</p> <p><input type="text" id="idSearch" placeholder="Enter ID MATURANTI" /> <button onclick="searchID()">Search</button></p> <h2>Search Result</h2> <div id="result"></div> <p></p> <h2>ALL WINNERS</h2> <div id="sampleIDs"></div> <script>// <![CDATA[ let data = []; // Function to load and parse the new CSV file function loadCSV() { Papa.parse("https://cdncloudcart.com/40816/files/doc/u-albania-round-2-update-csv.csv?1727095916", { download: true, header: true, complete: function(results) { data = results.data; displaySampleIDs(); } }); } // Function to search by ID MATURANTI function searchID() { const idSearch = document.getElementById('idSearch').value.trim(); const resultDiv = document.getElementById('result'); resultDiv.innerHTML = ""; if (idSearch === "") { resultDiv.innerHTML = "Please enter a valid ID MATURANTI."; return; } const results = data.filter(row => row['ID MATURANTI'] === idSearch); if (results.length > 0) { results.forEach(result => { resultDiv.innerHTML += ` <p><strong>ID MATURANTI:</strong> ${result['ID MATURANTI']}</p> <p><strong>MESATARE VKM:</strong> ${result['MESATARE VKM']}</p> <p><strong>PROGRAM STUDIMI:</strong> ${result['PROGRAM STUDIMI']}</p> <hr> `; }); } else { resultDiv.innerHTML = "No results found for the entered ID MATURANTI."; } } // Function to display sample ID MATURANTI numbers function displaySampleIDs() { const sampleIDsDiv = document.getElementById('sampleIDs'); sampleIDsDiv.innerHTML = ""; // Display the first 5 entries from the data const sampleData = data.slice(0, 5); sampleData.forEach(item => { sampleIDsDiv.innerHTML += ` <p><strong>ID MATURANTI:</strong> ${item['ID MATURANTI']}</p> <p><strong>MESATARE VKM:</strong> ${item['MESATARE VKM']}</p> <p><strong>PROGRAM STUDIMI:</strong> ${item['PROGRAM STUDIMI']}</p> <hr> `; }); } // Load the CSV data when the page loads window.onload = loadCSV; // ]]></script>

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