


Infosoft Group Visits UNYTEC

Infosoft Group Visits UNYTEC

UNYT Career Office welcomed to UNYT East Campus premises representatives of Infosoft Group. Mr. Donald Gjika , General Manager, shared with students majoring in Computer Science the job and i UNYT Career Office welcomed to UNYT East Campus premises representatives of Infosoft Group. Mr. Donald Gjika , General Manager, shared with students majoring in Computer Science the job and i 2023-11-22T18:17:44+01:00 Infosoft Group Visits UNYTEC

<div class=blogContent>UNYT Career Office welcomed to UNYT East Campus premises representatives of Infosoft Group. Mr. Donald Gjika , General Manager, shared with students majoring in Computer Science the job and internship opportunities provided by the academy. </div>

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